Sunday, November 9


Aiikk, apa ni? Buat demonstrasi jalanan membantah fatwa Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan yang mengharamkan pengkid?
Yang lucunya orang yang membantah itu orang bukan Islam, yang tidak pun termasuk dalam kategori orang yang perlu patuh kepada fatwa. Nak memperjuangkan hak pengkid rakan-rakan mereka yang lahir Islam? hahahaa... ini bukan orang yang tak tahu baca, bukan orang yang tak tahu bahawa fatwa yang dikeluarkan itu hanya untuk orang beragama Islam. Jikalau anda bukan Islam, kenapa nak memperlihatkan kejahilan sendiri dengan membuat demonstrasi memprotes? Kalau betul pun anda seorang pengkid, seorang lesbian, siapa peduli? Anda bukan Muslim. Orang Islam dan Jabatan Agama Islam tidak pernah mengambil tindakan terhadap orang bukan Islam yang berkhalwat, berzina dan lain-lain selama ini. Yang kami kisah adalah orang seagama dengan kami, yang sudah terpesong daripada ajaran Islam.

I almost rolled on the floor watching this 'gem'.. hehehe. Oh by the way, it's on youtube, so I suppose you ladies (from your youth and solidarity, I suppose are college undergraduates?) are now famous worldwide for your street demonstration "fighting for the rights to remain as tomboys"? :P

Ladies, get your facts right. You are not going to be taken action against by the Muslim authorities even if you are indeed a pengkid (women who dress and behave like men, and prefer women for sexual relationships), for you are not a Muslim. Get your facts right. The fatwa is proclaimed not because we want to oppress the Muslim women but because it is already in the al-Quran that women are to behave and dress as women and men are to behave and dress as men. We Muslims believe that all words in the al-Quran are words of God. There are guidelines about how Muslim women are to wear and behave to show modesty. There are also fatwa banning men who cross-dress or pondan.
Calling a fatwa as "crap" shows your own ignorance about Islamic rulings, ladies. Anyway, this fatwa banning pengkid does not make it haram for Muslim women from continuing wearing t-shirts and loose pants in public. Notice that Muslim women have not made any hu-ha as you did, for we know what the Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan said is true. Do check your facts first; Learn to differentiate between tomboy and pengkid. Get your facts right; Learn that a fatwa is a fatwa, a guideline for Muslims. Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan makes a fatwa based on careful studies of facts and scholarly discussions. It's not simply issued to "control women" as you claim.

Ladies, making such street demonstrations shows your own ignorance about Islam and its teachings. Fear of the unknown is fear expressed emotionally, not logically. Strange, why aren't there any Malay ladies supporting your cause? Trying to be champions of "oppressed Muslim women"? Thanks but no thanks. We are happy and contended being who we are, being liberated, feminine and in hijab :D
(Where are the united voices of Islamic organisations in support of this fatwa against pengkid? Being silent about such issues only allows for non-Muslims to openly ridicule the teachings of Islam and its scholars, don't you agree?)


  1. Hi Puan Aliya,

    This is a very amusing but informative posting. Really these group of ladies obviously do not know what they are fighting for.

    I wonder if they Majlis will want to do a fatwa - to declare smoking as Haram?

  2. Hello Edz Lee,
    Actually the fatwa banning smoking has been gazetted in many states, but as you can see, there has been no street protests, and nobody has been fined for disobedience :)
    Islam has already it haram to hurt oen's own body, and committing suicide is the most condemned of all acts against oneself.A fatwa is issued to educate and inform Muslims. A Fatwa is something like the traffic rules; you are told that it's wrong to overtake at double lanes but if you still do it, can you blame the government when you have an accident due to to your own negligence?
    I quote:
    Di Malaysia, Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa, Majlis Kebangsaan Hal Ehwal Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-37 yang berlangsung pada 23 Mac 1995 telah memutuskan bahawa amalan merokok itu hukumnya adalah haram menurut pandangan Islam.

    Fatwa Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan yang telah diwartakan pada 7 Disember 1995 di bawah Enakmen Pentadbiran Perundangan Islam 1989 telah menyebutkan bahawa amalan menghisap apa jua jenis rokok adalah haram bagi mana-mana orang Islam.

    Fatwa Negeri Perlis memutuskan bahawa menanam tembakau atau merokok dan memanfaatkan hasil tembakau adalah haram.

    Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Kedah berpegang kepada fatwa merokok adalah haram walaupun sehingga kini belum ada penguatkuasaan berhubung perkara itu kerana berdasarkan pendapat pengamal perubatan bahawa perbuatan merokok boleh mendatangkan mudarat.

    Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Melaka juga telah bersetuju menerima pakai keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa, Majlis Kebangsaan Hal Ehwal Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-37 bahawa amalan merokok itu hukumnya adalah haram.

  3. oh gosh. what a bunch of morons. I guess it definitely hit a nerve them for these group of ignorants to act before thinking. Anyhoo who knows maybe these ppl are also Muslims converts eh? Can't judge a book by its cover. Just because they don't cover up. Whatever it is that s the way the country works where ppl LOVE to jump the gun. Any reason to create instability. They blame being oppressed, well opression only comes it one think like one. Either that or they have too much free time on their hands.

  4. Salam

    mcm dah jadi trend kt mesia ni org kapir suka je dok menyebok kat hal rumah tangga Islam. dorang bukan ada kena mengena pun dlm urusan nie. betul mcm yg kak aliya cakap 2. tak pernah pun jab agama tangkap org kapir buat mcm2. KERA-jaan pun bodoh jugak biar aje dorang nie. selama nie kita kt mesia nie tak pernah pun amik tau ngan masuk campur urusan agama lain. org kapir nie berak kencing pun tatau basuh dok sibuk hal ehwal kita. sorry lah emo sket.

  5. Waalaikumussalam Ramber & olyyn,
    Well, I don't they are Muslims reverts either. Perhaps they think they're championing freedom of expressions for women? Oh I do feel sorry for them. They're misinformed, misguided and fighting a lost cause.

    Ketahuilah hari ni mungkin kafir, esok mungkin bergelar pendakwah Islam kalau itu yang Allah swt kehendaki. Kita sebagai orang Islam perlu memberikan maklumat yang cukup kepada bukan Islam, agar mereka faham pendirian kita. Sekarang maklumat yang ada kurang atau hanya terhad kepada lingkungan orang Islam tertentu saja, baik daripada organisasi Islam mahupun daripada ulama-ulama. saya syorkan agar semua fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Majlis Fatwa ataupun Majlis Agama Negeri didahului dengan penjelasan daripada al-Quran dan hadith, barulah dinyatakan sebab-sebab diharamkan sesuatu perkara. Bukannya terus wartakan haram atau halal sahaja di dalam akhbar seperti berlaku sekarang.

  6. Here, we have to understand the true facts behind the scene. They were no concerned gaining the reward to become an hero of liberalizing Muslim .They were in effort to instill rebellion conducts into Muslim's mind against it own religion.
    That the strategic of Al-Kafiroun in order to bring Muslim out of the box of Al-Quran

  7. that, is hilarious. ROTFL! total madness. idiocy that's not worth describing. contoh manusia yg tidak study sebelum bertindak. i feel sick just watching them. sungguh tidak matang dan tidak bijak sekali perlakuan mereka ini. ai.

  8. Lan, whatever the aim of those people, we should learn one thing - sometimes being quiet when the nonMuslims loudly question about the needs of Islamic fatwa is a sign of weakness.

    Hannah, they make a clown of themselves. Nevertheless take note that it's a video taken by malaysiakini and aired worldwide in youtube. What does that imply?

  9. Salam ziarah..

    stupid people with stupid acts...

    Adry @
