Wednesday, February 11


Syukur alhamdulillah, it's over. The interview, I mean.
In order to avoid the stress of driving through Penang traffic, I managed to reach the Butterworth jetty in 15 minutes from home, boarded the ferry without having to queue, relaxed and enjoyed the sea breeze on the ferry, and reached Penang island an hour before the scheduled time. My cough is manageable now and I feel better than a few days before. My kind and friendly taxi driver, Sulaiman dropped me off right in front of the stairs to the building and even gave me his card in case I need his service again [oh, insyaAllah I will when I need to go to Georgetown on my own again :)]

How was it? Well, it was okay. I answered the questions posed by the interviewer as well as I could. As usual, there're topics I know which were not asked and a few which I wasn't sure of, which were tested on me, huhuhuu. I just hope the interviewer is not stingy with marks. After all, I still owe the government (that sponsored my studies) some money :P

Anyway, I managed to befriend a few other interviewees who were waiting for their turn. Alhamdulillah I even had a treat today. Murah rezeki hari ini. Thanks Norallia for the lunch treat and thanks Zamilah (yeah, kenal lagi seorang blogger, hehe) for giving me a lift back to Butterworth. We've only met each other today and already they're so kind and helpful. Doesn't that just warm your heart?

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement, friends. I hope to pass this interview so that I can carry on with my work without having to worry about it any longer. There's a lot left to be done.

Am taking a short break. Will be back soon, insyaAllah.
(p/s: It's quite hazy here today)


  1. Salam Aliya...
    Minggu ni saya kurang sihat ke sekolah kerana selsema dan keje bertimbun... Last week saya tangkap pelajar lelaki pelbagai bangsa kerana merokok dalam kawasan sekolah...2 india, 1 cina & 1 malay...
    Tapi minggu ni hati saya sedih & menangis....semalam seorang ustazah menangkap 4 orang pelajar perempuan Melayu merokok di dalam surau...
    aduh... sedih saya.. sebagai guru disiplin jiwa lebih tersiksa bila pelajar perempuan MEROKOK... dah le ditangkap kerana merokok lepas tu menipu pulak kata bapa keje di Ibu Pejabat Polis daerah... tapi bila call tak ada orang yang nama yang diberikan...
    Entah lah cabaran sebagai guru semakin hebat... Aliya bagaimana??

  2. Waalaikumussalam mal887,
    Semoga semakin sihat. Gejala pelajar merokok memang berlaku. Kalau pelajar bawah 12, mereka hanya berani lakukan di luar sekolah tetapi bila di sek menengah, ada pula markas yang sering berubah-ubah di kaw sek kerana ketagih pada waktu persekolahan. Saya sendiri boleh agak siapa yang terlibat di kalangan pelajar tetapi tanpa bahan bukti, susah untuk bertindak.Hanya mampu dihantar kepada kaunselor untuk sesi sembang-sembang. Setelah 15 tahun dlm profesion ini, macam-macam dah saya lalui.. sudah agak lali dan tidak mudah terkejut dengan keadaan sekarang. Bersabar sahajalah. Doa guru untuk anak murid boleh membantu mengubah masa depannya, insyaAllah.

  3. Assalamualaikum,

    Kita semua tahu kesan buruk rokok iaitu kepada perokok (first hand smoke), kepada orang yang terdedah secara lansung kepada asap rokok (second hand smoke) dan orang yang terdedah secara tidak lansung kepada asap rokok (third hand smoke). Perokok bukan sahaja membahayakan kesihatan sendiri tetapi kesihatan serta membahayakan nyawa orang lain. Merokok tidak banyak bezanya dengan meminum racun yang membunuh diri sedikit demi sedikit.

    Oleh yang demikian, merokok itu HARAM. Tak beza haramnya dengan memakan babi atau mengambil riba. Saya selalu menasihatkan pelajar-pelajar saya tentang hukum haram dalam merokok dan membandingkannya dengan memakan babi dan meminum arak.

    Saya ingat lagi pegawai-pegawai yang bekerja di JAWI merokok. Bukan sahaja memberikan green light kepada orang ramai untuk merokok. Ada juga ustaz2 dan ahli ulamak di Malaysia ni yang merokok seolah2 tindakan mereka ini membenarkan merokok. Seolah-olah merokok itu hanya berdosa kecil sahaja.

    Marilah kita didik anak murid kita dan orang di sekeliling kita tentang hukum HARAM merokok dan kesan-kesan buruk kepada diri serta orang lain yang tersayang di sekeliling.

    Saya doakan kita semua terus dikurniakan kesihatan oleh Allah S.W.T.

  4. Alya...'ve finished with your interview huh? Kudos to you Alya. Hmmm...who else has gone the interview this week?

  5. Waalaikumussalam ahong,
    Baru balik dari LDP di sekolah, Cara Menjadi Guru Cemrlang Menurut Surah Luqman disampaikan oleh YPEIM. Hmm, tentang merokok itu haram memang semua tahu tetapi seperti biasa, ramai juga yang bersikap hipokrit dgn mengatakan merokok itu makruh. Itulah masalah yang melanda sebilangan lelaki Islam - enggan berhenti merokok sementara Wanita Islam pula - enggan menutup aurat. Namun yang penting, selagi kita boleh dan mampu melakukan, kita mesti berdakwah dengan berhemah kepada mereka.

  6. I met Chai who was in the same session. Not sure about the others. Rugilah, tarikh lantikan 1.9.08. We started work 1.7 but the date in our scroll's 16 august.

  7. Very interesting. Surah Luqman show how limited our knowledge is.

    Just want to share the last ayat in Luqman.

    Translation by Yusuf Ali
    31: 34. Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone). It is He Who sends down rain, and He Who knows what is in the wombs.3625 Nor does any one know what it is that he will earn on the morrow:3626 Nor does any one know in what land he is to die. Verily with Allah is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things).3627

    (the numbers are commentaries by Yusuf Ali)

    3625. The question of Knowledge or Mystery governs both clauses here, viz.: Rain and Wombs. In fact it governs all the five things mentioned in this verse: viz. (1) The Hour; (2) Rain; (3) the Birth of a new Life (Wombs); (4) our Physical Life from day to day; (5) our Death. See n. 3627 below. As regards Rain we are asked to contemplate how and when it is sent down. The moisture may be sucked up by the sun's heat in the Arabian Sea or the Red Sea or the Indian Ocean near East Africa, or in the Lake Region in Central Africa . The winds drive it hither and thither across thousands of miles, or it may be, only short distances. "The wind bloweth where it listeth." No doubt it obeys certain physical Laws established by Allah, but how these Laws are interlocked, one with another! Meteorology, gravity, hydrostatics and dynamics, climatology, hygrometry, and a dozen other sciences are involved, and no man can completely master all of them, and yet this relates to only one of the millions of facts in physical nature, which are governed by Allah's Knowledge and Law. The whole vegetable kingdom is primarily affected by Rain. The mention of Wombs brings in the mystery of animal life, embryology, sex, and a thousand other things. Who can tell-to take man alone-whether the child conceived is male or female, how long it will remain in the womb, whether it will be born alive, what sort of new individual it will be-a blessing or a curse to its parents, or to Society?

    3626. "Earn" here, as elsewhere, means not only "earn one's livelihood" in a physical sense but also to reap the consequences (good or ill) of one's conduct generally. The whole sentence practically means: "no man knows what the morrow may bring forth."

    3627. See the five Mysteries summed up in n. 3625 above. The Argument is about the mystery of Time and Knowledge. We are supposed to know things in ordinary life. But what does that knowledge amount to in reality? Only a superficial acquaintance with things. And Time is even more uncertain. In the case of rain, which causes vegetable life to spring up, or in the case of new animal life, can we answer with precision questions as to When or How or Wherefore? So about questions of our life from day to day or of our death. These are great Mysteries, and full knowledge is with Allah only. How much more so in the case of the Ma'ad, the Final House, when all true values will be restored and the balance redressed? It is certain, but the When and the How are known to Allah alone.

    I always remind myself that all knowledge is from Allah, He can choose to give it to us and take it away. With our education system nowadays I personally feel sad that knowledge is thought to originate from the western world. From what I know, it was the muslim scholars that help the western to overcome their dark age.
    Knowledge is so important. We can see how knowledge can actually shape the world. It depends on how we use the knowledge, for good or bad. The Israeli are people who today who have so much knowledge in trading, see how they control the world economy in their hands.

    I pray one day, muslims will wake up from their dreams of how perfect the western world is and see how Islam actually brings knowledge to the western world. I pray one day we can bring the glory of Islam back with knowledge.

  8. salam, Sis Aliya.
    I have been entrusted with the task of inviting you to give a talk at a Seminar Dakwah, at USM this sat, 21/2/09 (organised by JIM, supported by Pusat Islam). Tajuk" Nilai sebuah Hidayah". Maaf mengguna cara ini untuk menjemput- i do not have other means to contact you. Please can email me at TQ

  9. Waalaikumussalam Kak Nadiah (yang saya pernah jumpa dalam Seminar Dakwah, USM 2006/2007?)
    InsyaAllah saya akan hadir di sana. Nanti saya emel, k.
