Thursday, February 26


"Cikgu, ramai orang Melayu masih percaya kepada Allah tetapi mereka kurang yakin pada ajaran Islam. Sebab itulah sekarang kita lihat banyak masalah sosial melibatkan orang Melayu, orang Islam," lelaki itu bersungguh-sungguh memberitahu saya.
Saya duduk di bangku sambil mendengar ulasannya. Dia seorang bapa.
"Mereka percaya ada Allah, mereka tahu ada Tuhan. Tetapi mereka tidak yakin pada firmanNya, pada janji-janjiNya, pada hukumanNya untuk mereka yang ingkar. Orang dulu mereka lebih yakin pada ajaran Islam, sebab itu kurang gejala sosial. Takut pada Allah yang Maha Mengetahui, yang Maha Melihat dan Maha Mendengar. Sekarang ada yang tahu rasuah itu haram tetapi sebab kurang yakin akan cukupnya rezeki halal yang Allah berikan pada semua hambaNya, mereka sanggup menerima rasuah. Makan duit haram, gunakan duit itu untuk beli makanan anak bini. Lepas itu marah bila keluarga jadi porak-peranda. Nak salahkan siapa?"
Saya mengangguk tanda setuju.
"Jangan kata banyak. Ambil saja contoh..rokok. Ulama dah kata merokok itu haram kerana ibarat membunuh diri secara perlahan-lahan tetapi orang yang merokok kata merokok itu makruh. Mereka sanggup meringan-ringankan hukum Allah kerana nafsu sendiri. Kalau dah tahu merokok haram, buang saja rokok itu. Ini kita pergi masjid, ada termasuk AJK masjid yang keluar solat jemaah terus mencapai rokok. Alasan mereka, dalam al-quran tiada ayat yang menyebut merokok itu haram, tak seperti makan daging babi dan minum arak!"


  1. salam kak aliya.

    ini saya sgt setuju. ramai yg menghalalkan yg haram, atas alasan yang dibuat utk memudahkan diri sendiri.

    sampai skrg saya tertanya, apa rasional meletakkan halal pada kotak pewarna rambut, walhal itu mengelirukan. ramai yg berkata, sbb tertulis halal, maka perbuatan itu tidak salah.

    masa saya hadir usrah di uia dulu, ustaz terangkan, zaman Rasulullah mereka mewarna rambut dan janggut untuk menakutkan musuh kala berperang, bkn mcm perempuan skrg, rambut kdg2 dah serupa warna bulu monyet, masih bangga ditayang2 pada semua yang bukan mahram.

    bila ditanya, bila ditegur, jawapannya JAKIM dah katakan halal. tunggu saja pewarna kuku pun dibubuh halal, mesti ramai berlumba2 mewarnakan kuku.

  2. Maaf kalau ulasan ini menyinggung perasaan tapi fikir dengan teliti dahulu.

    Ada juga seorang rakan yang mengatakan rokok tu tidak haram,maka dengan lembut saya nyatakan bahawa - " Abang, kalau gitu, puas hati abang minum arak terus..dah terang terang Al Quran ada cakap bahawa ada kebaikan pada arak!"

    Member kita tercenggang maka saya ingatkan beliau pada Surah Al Baqarah ayat 219.

    "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefits"

    Dengan adanya ayat itu, arak di haramkan.

    Ini pada pendapat saya dan setelah saya baca dari buku buku dan juga mendapat pendapat dari rakan rakan.

  3. Assalamualaikum.

    Zaman sekarang ni zaman fitnah bermaharajalela.

    Muslim di Malaysia sebilangan besar hanya bagaikan umang umang.

    Menutup aurat ala kadar dan sebagai syarat sahaja.

    Ketua Ketua Agama Islam di Negeri Negeri Melayu adalah Duli Duli Tuanku Sultan Sultan dan Raja Melayu.

    Berapa ramaikah diantara Baginda Tuanku selaku ketua agama mentarbiyyah permaisuri masing masing?

    Zaman berganti zaman. Rakyat marhaen makin lama semakin karut dan kalut kerna di Istana sendiri penerapan nilai nilai murni Islam hanya dongengan belaka.

    Jika di zaman 60an fesyen rambut karan menjadi kegilaan wanita wanita Melayu, di zaman ini di zaman kebangkitan Islam, isteri para pembesar Melayu yang mengaku menjaga hal ehwal Islam masing masing masih dok dedahkan segala rambut dan aurat mereka!

    Ada yang nampak macam singa betina Afrika siap dengan rambut diset supaya menjadi sama seperti yang Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam telah bersabda 1430 tahun dahulu :

    “Di akhir zaman akan berlaku di kalangan umatku wanita yang berpakaian seperti telanjang.

    Atas kepala mereka seperti bonggol unta, laknatlah mereka kerana wanita yang dilaknat”

    Hadis tersebut Nabi SAW sudah menjangka akan berlaku kepada wanita-wanita dari umatNya di akhir zaman nanti, ada yang memakai pakaian tetapi tidak menutup aurat, nipis sehingga menampak kulit, ketat hingga menampak labu punggung, pinggang, bonjolan buah dada, rusuk dan lain-lain, rambut digubah mengikut fesyen semasa sehingga terjadi seperti bonggol unta yakni tinggi membonggok. Mereka dilaknati Allah di dunia dan menjadi penghuni neraka di akhirat kelak.

    Makanya apa hendak dihairankan kepada rakyat jelata Melayu Malaysia sekarang ini yang kebanyakannya sombong bodoh!

    Buta agama dan jika ditegur maka melentinglah tak tentu pasal!

    Sila ikuti tulisan Ustaz Idris Ahmad berkenaan perkara ini disini:

  4. Salams...

    What can I say...

    Am guilty as charged. Am guilty of choosing what I wanna obey and what I don't. Things and actions which I reckon(my reckoning, Not Allah's, not the Quran nor them Hadiths) as not too bad, consoling meself with made up reasons upon reasons. Yups, the iman is weak and them temptations aplenty.

    Maybe one day...there goes the reasoning again...sigh...

  5. Konsep mewarnakan rambut selain dari inai memang haram. Yg logo halal Jakim tu untuk bahan2 yg digunakan. Bukan la perbuatan mewarnakan rambut tu. Tu tetap haram. Yg disebut dalam Al-Qur'an tu adalah perbuatan mewarnakan rambut. Walaupun barang yg digunakan tiada unsur haram, tetapi tidak bermaksud perbuatan mewarnakan rambut tu jadi halal.

    Letak logo atau tidak, bukan masalahnya. Kalau dah jahil tu, letak logo atau tak pun, akan terus juga buat benda haram.

    Kalau kat UK ni, mana nak ada logo halal ke apa. Memang la bergantung pada logo Vegetarian etc (yg dianggap tak ada unsur binatang, jadi unsur babi tak akan ada) tapi kena tgk bahan juga sebab arak mcm white wine kekadang ada je.

    Vegetarian atau Vegan tak semesti tak minum arak sama sekali. Mereka tak makan benda2 unsur binatang sembelih ni je.

    Sama juga la konsep kosher food. Kalau yg sembelih tu Yahudi yg betul masih berpegang pada ajaran agama dia, kalau nak terima ok la. Sekarang ni, tak ramai Yahudi yg mcm tu. Jadi silap ari bulan beli ayam "ketuk" je la.

    Cabaran nak menjadi Muslim yg taat pada ajaran Islam memang mencabar. Apa pun terletak pada diri sendiri nak mengamalkan apa yg diketahui dan dalam masa yg sama meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan mengenai Islam dan ajarannya.

  6. Assalamualaikum

    agreed with MAHAGURU58. it is one of strategies used by british colonial to 'imprisoned' Islam by vested its affair to parties which in reality don't live Islam and don't understand Islam. the same situation goes to jabatan agama Islam anywhere, because their head of constitution is the sultans themselves. this tactic was first tried and tested in turkey and india, with great success. the result of this grieve situation can be seen when we deal with so called Islamic institutions. they were the most inefficient, lazy, out-of-dated, unfriendly etc. what they really care is to safeguard their position. that's why even their mufti support secularism.

    i'm also agreed with tarings. it is time for those malays to ponder upon which direction they should go. they already lost almost everything. no wealth, no land, no knowledge, no intelligence, no pride. the only thing left with them is Islam. but now its appear vanishing as well. this happened to them when they abandoned Islam, as punishment from Allah. there still time for them to repent.

    i'm speaking as an outsider for i'm not malay myself. some time thing are more clearer if you looking it from outside.

    what i'm concern is that Allah's promise is true. and the early sign of His promise is already there. we can see more and more of non-malay are drawn to Islam. many already converted, and many more seeking opportunity to do so. and we non-malays seems to have more zeal towards learning and practising Islam, as well as to spreading it. this all happened in the same time when malays are drowning with excess entertainment, pleasure, sex, etc. just look when israeli offensive in Gaza took place, many our malay brothers and sisters flock to bukit jalil stadium for akademi fantasial audition. really, really sad. and pathetic.


  7. Assalamualaikum,

    Since today is Friday, I remember many things for todays solat. Just pray I wont stand beside some stinking men who are going to smoke and chat during the khutbah then wants to solat togather. Not only no Jumaat pahala for them but also they distract other people around them.

    Smoking is haram. Whoever who says its not haram can continue smoking and kill yourself slowly. Even better that person can kill your family slowly. Even better he/she can kill everyone around him slowly. No need for anyone to point out the effect of smoking. We all know that it leads to lung cancer eventually. ( I really hate smoking people)

    Halal = can
    Haram = tak boleh
    The confusion from putting the 'halal' logo occurs when we thought the product is halal or haram. It suppose to be the action of that is halal or haram.

    For example:
    We cannot say a dog is haram.
    We should say haram eating dog but its not haram to touch dog.

    Wether its halal or haram should come with the correct dalils.

    We can only 'percaya' to Allah S.W.T. and become 'yakin' after we see the signs from Allah from the Quran. I make my students do research on certain topics from the Quran. This way they will learn how scientific the Quran is and how amazing such knowledge can reach Muhammad (may peace be upon him)1400 years ago.

  8. err.. regarding dog, i think even touching it is haram. sebab itu perlu disamak kalau tersentuh, kan? i think this would be a bit conflicting for the saudara baru, because dogs are said to be men's best friend, so though i have no experience with dogs, i believe the affection one feels towards his or her pet is hard to be ignored. for born-muslims like me, i think there is no issue on touching dogs, because we are told to avoid dogs from the start.

    i used the hair dye as an example, to show how easy it is to twist and confuse the mind of fellow muslims in malaysia. the simple act of placing the halal logo can even confuse those who knows the action of changing the hair color is haram.

  9. ahong,

    forgive me. saya lupa mau tuliskan tentang kering dan basah. ada yang katakan, bila kering, anjing boleh disentuh. yang haram air liur, keadaan basah n etc.

    tapi, like i said earlier, i think, for one who is born muslim, rasanya tak pernah terfikir ingin menyentuh anjing. scared of it, actually. hihi.

  10. benda makruh,sengaja buat hari2 pun jadi haram.ini basic hal hukum hakam sekolah rendah pun dah ajar..kalau degil dah tak boleh nak kata apa dah.

  11. Salam,

    Tarings, we're on the same boat. Yours is 'maybe one day..'
    Mine goes like this 'i will... one fine day'. Wonder why is it so hard for me to change like Deep down I realize I lack something that should've been instilled long ago, that is YAKIN. Yakin for that every sin pays with punishment. Sigh...

    On the other hand, about the dog thingy. It's confusing. I thought the act of touching a dog is not haram. I mean if it's haram, it'll be a sin to touch one. We've to samak because dog itself is filthy (najis mughallazah). Maybe someone can clear me about this. Yeah anyway why touch when needed to samak later rite.

  12. ~imm~

    Actually tak kisah basah atau kering it is still ok to touch a dog. We cannot menghukumkan 'haram menyentuh anjing'. Its a sin to change hukum Allah.

    Anyway, see it this way, we can still rear a dog for agriculture or to take care of livestock as this hadis by Sahih Bukhari goes:-

    Volume 3, Book 39, Number 515:

    Narrated Abu Huraira:

    Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever keeps a dog, one Qirat of the reward of his good deeds is deducted daily, unless the dog is used for guarding a farm or cattle." Abu Huraira (in another narration) said from the Prophet, "unless it is used for guarding sheep or farms, or for hunting." Narrated Abu Hazim from Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A dog for guarding cattle or for hunting."

    Well in the sense of samak, you can read my comment here on sis Aliya's page as well.


  13. Waalaikumussalam imm, Edz Lee,mahaguru, tarings,
    Kadang-kadang kita lupa bahawa kita semua sedang diperhatikanNya, segala percakapan dan tingkahlaku kita dicatat oleh malaikat. Sebab lupa dan ego itulah kita menjadi lalai, memberi pelbagai alasan untuk tindakan kita walhal sudah jelas dalam al-quran bahawa perkara yg dilakukan itu berdosa.
    Sifu, benar apa yang dikatakan. Itulah 'kepimpinan melalui teladan' yang menjadi ikutan, huhuhu. Setuju juga dengan pendapat ustaz Idris.
    Tarings, my only fear in this life is am I ready to face Allah swt when He calls me? Have my years as a Muslim gather enough amal to compensate for my dosa in those same years? Have I done enough in my obedience to His instructions, have my ego and self-righteousness been humbled by my submission to His will?How will the scales be like? What about you?

  14. Waalaikumussalam life is, Azlan,
    Menarik, isu bahannya halal tetapi penggunaannya haram, hehehe. Samalah seperti anggur yang halal dimakan tetapi bila diproses menjadi arak yang memabukkan, ia haram diminum. Semua bergantung kepada kita dan ketaatan kita padaNya.
    Azlan, as we speak now the Malays are under threat. They're supposedly keepers of the religion, Islam but negligence to equip themselves and their family with proper knowledge and guidance, and the habit of making excuses for their wrong actions will cause them to get further and further away from Islam.

  15. Waalaikumussalam ahong and imm,
    Oh, I know what you mean. I was stuck with a smelly smoker until I divorced him, hahaha.
    As for dogs, I avoid dogs now because as one who have reared dogs before, I know how dirty they can be (especially the males).Touching a dog that is dry with your dry hand is not haram, but you risk it wiping its wet nose on your hand or clothing, or having its saliva dripping down your shoes, hehehe. And since some dogs eat their own faeces (oh, I know I saw!) I won't feel clean until I samak that part. So unless it's really necessary, I avoid going near a dog now.
    ahong, you're right about that hadith.

  16. Tarings, my only fear in this life is am I ready to face Allah swt when He calls me? Have my years as a Muslim gather enough amal to compensate for my dosa in those same years? Have I done enough in my obedience to His instructions, have my ego and self-righteousness been humbled by my submission to His will?How will the scales be like? What about you?


    I used to think of meself as a moderate. Believe the Six. Fulfill the 5 Commandments. Read the Quran, trying to understand them translations. Sometimes. Do as much good. Avoid as many sins as possible. I know that's not enough. Not by a long shot.

    The more I read, the more it seems that what I've been doing thus far is way, way down the scales. Nowhere near even the threshold. That is if they are worthy to be measured in the first place. What if all that had been done were just a waste of time? Not only were they worthless deeds but considered sinful. And intentions. Were me intentions solely as a submission to Him? Or like Aliya put it, to glorify me own ego and self-righteousness?

    I don't know, Aliya dear. But I definitely am not ready to meet me Maker. Not with me current scorecard. All them deeds may come to naught. And them sins that I've done, echo in the background. Then there are them obligations to me parents, to me wife, to me daughters, to fellow humans. Have I fulfilled them appropriately? Will they redha if Allah were to call me tonight? Or will they dump all the blame on me?

    Am gonna have one of them sleepless nights...


  17. carilah keyakinan sebagaimana Nabi Musa cari keyakinan pada ALLAH di Mount Thursina,

    carilah keyakinan sebagaimana Nabi Muhammad cari keyakinan pada ALLAH di Mount Hira'/ Gua Hira'

    carilah keyakinan sebagaimana Nabi Ibrahim cari keyakinan pada ALLAH dengan menghidupokan burung yg mati...

    Selama ini, sudahkan kalian mendapatkan keyakinan?

    keyakinan pada ALLAH adakah dicari atau diwarisi?

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