Friday, February 13


Kenyataan Akhbar 12 Februari 2009

PUM PP selar penganjuran MUSAWAH membawa agenda Islam Liberal ke Malaysia dan mempertikaikan prinsip-prinsip asas Islam

Persatuan Ulama' Malaysia cawangan Pulau Pinang (PUMPP) dengan ini menyelar sekeras-kerasnya program 'Musawah' iaitu Global Movement for Equality and Justice in the Muslim Family anjuran pendukung kuat fahaman sesat Islam Liberal di Malaysia iaitu Sisters in Islam (SIS). Pertemuan Musawah dilihat berhasrat mempertikaikan pelbagai prinsip-prinsip Islam khususnya dalam hukum syariah berkaitan wanita dan kekeluargaan yang dipersetujui dan diterima oleh kesepakatan ulamak muktabar.
Perjumpaan ini bakal dihadiri oleh pelbagai tokoh Liberal Muslim yang dipertikaikan oleh ulamak Islam muktabar. Mereka yang hadir termasuklah Muhammad Khalid Masud, iaitu pengerusi Majlis Ideologi Islamik dari Pakistan, Farida Bennani dari Morocco, Sana Benachour (Tunisia), Hussein Muhammad (Indonesia), Ziba Mir-Hosseini (Britain), Zainah Anwar (Malaysia), Siti Musdah Mulia (Indonesia) dan Nur Rofia (Indonesia) dan aktivis bukan Islam seperti Cassandra Balchin (UK) dan lain-lain.

200 Liberalis Muslim telah dijemput dari 40 buah negara dan berkumpul di hotel mewah (bertaraf lebih lima bintang) The Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur pada 13 Februari 2009 bagi menghadiri mesyuarat 5 hari tersebut. Perjumpaan tertutup ini juga tidak membenarkan penyertaan dari pihak luar selain dari jemputan tertutup mereka. PUM PP melihat perjumpaan dengan dana besar ini berkemungkinan disokong oleh kepentingan Barat dengan tujuan meliberalkan Islam dan mengharapkan pihak penguatkuasa dapat menyiasat punca sumber-sumber dana membiayai program terbabit.
Perjumpaan ini juga akan memberi persepsi yang negatif kepada Malaysia yang bakal digambarkan sebagai negara yang mengamalkan undang-undang Syariah yang mendiskriminasi wanita, terutamanya apabila perjumpaan ini bakal dibawa perhatian kepada wakil Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu dengan kehadiran Professor Yakin Erturk (The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women) yang akan merasmikan perjumpaan tersebut.
PUM PP juga menyelar kehadiran pimpinan negara bagi merasmikan program tersebut seolah-oleh tidak merujuk terlebih dahulu kepada pihak autoriti agama dalam negara seperti JAKIM dan Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan.
Kertas kerja dan bengkel-bengkel yang bakal dibentangkan semasa perjumpaan dilihat berhajat untuk menginterpretasikan semula al Quran dan Hadith dari sudut pandang wanita yang selama ini dikatakan bias pada lelaki. Musawah juga bakal mengenengahkan isu hak samarata antara lelaki dan perempuan dalam kekeluargaan Islam melalui hukum-hakam seperti poligami, faraid, ketaatan isteri, izin keluar rumah, aurat wanita, dan sebagainya. Hukum-hakam ini bakal dipertikaikan dengan melanggar segala Syari'at yang dibawa oleh al-Qur'ān dan al-Sunnah.

PUM PP juga mengharapkan kumpulan-kumpulan dan masyarakat bukan Islam tidak terpengaruh dengan propaganda kumpulan liberal Islam ini dan tidak campurtangan dalam urusan Aqidah dan prinsip-prinsip ajaran Islam sepertimana Islam mengajar penganutnya untuk tidak campurtangan dan menghormati dalam ajaran agama-agama lain sepertimana penegasan al Quran
لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ (109:6)
· 109:6 Unto you, your religous law, and unto me, mine !" [3]

Sehubungan dengan itu, PUM PP menyelar pelaksanaan program ini dan dilihat bakal merosakkan lagi aqidah umat Islam di Malaysia seterusnya membawa perpecahan kepada umat Islam dan member persepsi yang salah kepada Islam kepada semua pihak, termasuk masyarakat dunia yang hadir dan melihat perkembangan di Malaysia.

Dr Wan Salim Wan Mohd Nor Mohammad Nizam
Yang di Pertua Setiausaha
Persatuan Ulama' Malaysia PUMPP

cawangan Pulau Pinang (PUMPP)
I've just received this e-mail today from a brother of Persatuan Ulama Malaysia Pulau Pinang.
Something fishy is going on. If there's really nothing to hide about the agenda of the Musawah, members of the public especially Muslims should be allowed to join. Why all the secrecy?
As SIS is known to have their own views about women's aurat, polygamy, women's rights in Islam (in other words, thier own ideas about Islamic laws for women), etc I doubt whatever they plan to fight for will actually benefit the ummah as a whole. Imagine if they suggest that Muslimahs in the country can do anything they like in the name of equal rights, and nusyuz wives can continue to disobey husbands?
Therefore I support the content of the above letter by PUM.
May Allah swt bless and protect the Muslimah in this country from being influenced by liberal thinking, ideas which are not from the al-Quran and Sunnah.
Choosing to spread their own liberal ideas about Islamic laws with total disregard to what Islamic scholars and ulama teach is a sure way of being misguided by you-know-what. Guess who is clapping happily.


  1. Waalaikumsalam.wrt.wbt.

    Interesting issue. I do not like the idea of anyone nowadays who try to interpret the Quran or the hadis. Are there anyone in our era who are able to do so? Who dares to? We rely on the kitabs written by the ulamaks on those days who really understand Islam. This SIS came up with their own ideology of women issues and in the name of ISLAM. It actually is something like 'Allah firmans are women must be this and that'. Can you imagine?

    I wonder if they ever do any research before coming up with their wild ideas. They did not know how much respect a muslimah gets if she practice Islam. Allah promise heaven for women in someway more than men could ever dream. Dont this people see this. It blows me sometimes when people talk about unequality of gender in Islam.

    Liberal? Hahahaha. Who actually create this word? Its no where near the perfection of Islam. I will not believe any other ideology (including democracy) because for me it is only created for personal interest. I always pray that one day there will be an Islamic country back on earth. I kinda dream about it once, and guess what I wish I never woke up. Hehehehe...

    May Allah forgive them of the ignorance and shows them the light of Islam.

  2. Assalamualaikum

    there are several things to be clarify on this issue.

    first sister-in-islam in NOT representing Islam. most people already know it. rather they were meant to stabbed Islam from behind, as the name itself explain the purpose to infiltration the Saff of Muslim Ummah. in reality they adhere the western creed of feminism and gender equality, which is alien in Islam. the feminist movement was the braindchild of jewish thinker named carl marx. it is was an intergral part of his marxsim-communism-socialism ideology. like secularism, communism has been ruled by Ulama' as kufr. there are many Fatawa on this issue.

    second talking about equality, which this program is named after. musawah in arabic means equality. when we are talking about equality, we can't avoid to talk about the concept of 'Adalah or justice. one of the purpose of Islam is established justice. in fact it is the most important thing in Islam after Iman and Tawhid. if we learn Tafsir, we will encounter the ('A'zamul/Akbarul Shahadah) greatest testimony, which Allah Himself testify in Al Quran, as well as in previous Revealed Books, in Taurat and Injil, about He will will upheld justice (Qa'iman Bil Qist) and forbid Himself to do unjust.

    Third, in relation with the second matter, sister-kena-selam claim that in Islam women is unjustly treated, as they argued that Islamic law of inheritance (Mirath) is giving the male more share than female heirs. i'm not going to do this again as if i'm not mistaken i already comment on this topic in your blog earlier. they also argued that the Quranic verse in which Allah proclaim the man has more authority than women )Al Rijalul Qowamuna 'Ala Nisa') is another indicator of Islam is unfair to women, Na'uzubilLah. zainah anwar, the leader of this deviant group has swore that she will not getting married forever for she don't want to be 'the slave to her man'. that implightly encourage sex out of wedlock. did we consider our very own ever mother is the slave of our father? maybe she did but i'm never. for these and other reasons such as advocating the murtad movement, there is a doubt among Ulama' in mesia about they 'Akidah wether they are still be consider as Muslims of they not?

    fourth, i will make it simple as i can, is about the 'Adalah justice itself. what they lauded is equality, that male and female share the same right and responsibility. they motto is what man can do, women can too. this what they try very to be champion of. what they don't understand is justice, even though is related and intertwained with equality, are two separate things. justice in the most cases, the most common form is about equity, not equality. the foundation of justice based upon equity, not equality, as we can see different group of poeple have different kind of needs. male needs weapons, heavy machinery, tools, while female needs flowers, female stuff like the bought on monthly basis etc. you can't ask school girls to wear male attire, the same things goes when you ask school boys to wear skirts. you can't turn day into night and vice versa. the result will be chaotic and disasterous. that is equity. that is justice. we can't run from this things because we are servant of Allah, and we live according to His will. we can never ever avoided 'SunnatulLah' because His Syariah is like how day and night blankett us, and we live under it. many don't realize this fact, until the day we die. because Rasul S.A.W. said person who alive in reality is sleeping, until death come calling, then he will awaken.

    finally the people involved if the forum don't really have authority to talk about Islam. most of them, if not all actually don't have proper education of basic Islamic knowledge. take zainah anwar for example, i my self have seen her failure to explain and distinguish what Masbuq and Muwaffaq are. she thinks that is arabic crusine or something. she also confuse what Solat Jama' and Jima' is - believe it or not! the same goes for siti musdah mulia, she is controversial figure in her native indonesia for having peculiar but deviant opinion upon Islam. and what those kuffar have right to about our beloved religion? they should mind on their own business. they religion still have many unresolved issues, so deal with that first. what about aminah badot? she's a clown alright. you can't claim you know Islam by just reading from books without finding the right teachers. there are a must for every Muslim to learn from the right Mualims, the Murshid one. our Solat will not be accepted by Allah if we just imitating others without real knowledge. the Dalil is from the Hadith where Rasul S.A.W. told his Sahabi to learn the Solat from him. more realistic example, say if you buy a book on medicine, then read end to end it does not constituted you qualified as a doctor. if insist to act as a doctor, there must be something will happened. there's must be something you didn't understand. you can't perform surgery by just reading some books than put the theory into practice, without any supervisions. the same goes to Islamic knowledge, and bear in mind Islamic knowledge is the most difficult to understand. what ahong said is spot on.

    there are good article on this topic written by this Maulana. just pay a visit to this link if you have some time.

    sorry kak Aliya for this very long explaination.


  3. Salam Aliya....

    Konsep liberal....he..he...
    Saya rasa lawak sekali. Mari kita tengok satu contoh betapa HIPOKRITnya orang yang tidak bertudung ni... Kalau di sini bukan main GAH lagi mempertahankan kebebasan MEMBUKA AURAT tapi satu persoalan saya, MENGAPA BILA PERGI KE MEKAH BERTUDUNG LITUP WAKTU MENGERJAKAN UMRAH/HAJI, mengapa tidak terus buka aurat ketika di depan KAABAH???

    Tidak ke ni HIPOKRIT namanya???

  4. Salam Kak Aliya...

    Kak Aliya saya nak minta izin untuk menyiarkan this e-mail from a brother of Persatuan Ulama Malaysia Pulau Pinang yang Kak Aliya terima ini...saya turut sama berasa bertanggungjawab untuk menyebarkan kiriman email ini kepada setiap pembaca blog saya sebagai satu informasi yang mereka diluar sana patut tahu dan ambil berat mengenai isu yang sangat penting ini...semoga kita sama2 prihatin kepada setiap tindak tanduk individu yang cuba mempertikaikan kebenaran serta kejituan Al-Quran dan Al-sunnah...

    Salam Kak Aliya...

  5. Salam Kak Aliya,

    Even the invited panel includes a lady Imam from US..i heard.

    Tapi Malaysia pun sekarang ni bukan negara Islam, tetapi Islam liberal seperti Turkey dah pun..

    ~pengunjung dari muara~
