i am a follower of your blog. i am chinese muslim for 5 years, married with 3 children. in beginning i lived like good muslimah but now i begin to get fedup. i know it not right but i donno what to do oredi. my husband want me to be solehah wife and mother, but he doesnt teach me islam bcoz he busy with work and come back late. my husband good man but always busy. my 3 children are still small and need me to always care for them. i work in office and when i get home, i have no rest bcoz i have to care for the children pulak. i have no maid bcoz husband cannot pay. i look back and think my life before i become muslim better and more happy than now. of course i love my family but i cannot tahan everytime got problems. before i become muslim i am buddhist. i dont have many problems like now. now got money problem, children sick problem, husband not home problem, work problem. i very tired have to do all myself. i read that problem is test from allah to test i believe in allah or not. i know i am not very strong in islam. i look strong, people say i good muslimah bcoz i wear tudung, but i dont feel like a good muslimah. i tired of test from allah. i dont want anymore allah test. i oredi tired with so many problems, i donno what to do if i get new test from allah. i cannot talk to husband this problem bcoz he will scold me and tell me to zikir and pray more. how to pray and zikir more when i always tired and got new test? sometimes i feel like leaving and go back to old life bcoz old life no many problems. i stay bcoz i love my husband and children. please tell me what to do.i dont care if u put in your blog bcoz i want answers. i tired and dont want anymore test from allah. i dont want to murtad but i fedup with so many problems, non stop always got problems, no rest. i see other muslim not so difficult life compare to me. why must i be the one to get this tests and problems. how to ask allah not to give me any more test and problems? why other people dont get so many test from allah? why me, when i oredi cannot tahan anymore.
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