Wednesday, March 28


Not only me.
It's getting crazy in schools nationwide.
Talk about less paperwork? Pahhh, there're more forms to fill up and now every teacher has to go online to key in marks as well. Those people sitting comfortably in their aircond rooms are not efficient. They tell us to key in the marks by so-and-so dates but their own system keeps crashing because it can't accommodate hundreds of online users. hahahaaa.... and to make matters worse, we teachers have no time to keyin the marks at school. 25 periods a week [not including relief periods] means there's not even time to finish marking the students' books.
So what do we do? We have to return home in the afternoons [usually after 3-4pm daily] and turn on our own computers. Try to get back to the websites and hope they don't crash again.
And schools?

Haaa... crazy. 
Now I have 5 classes of English language to teach. I mean 5 classes x 40 periods a week. I don't even have enough time to mark all the books for 3 classes, now they are adding another class for me. All because the former teacher has been transferred out and they do not have more English teacher to take over the 4 classes she had been teaching. This is the first time in my teaching career as a language teacher to get 5 classes of English. When will I have time to mark the essays, summaries, comprehension and grammar books before the next lesson?
With the 1student 1sport programme,we are going home late as well. Got to train the students in the field. Sports practice without a proper field and with the sports day in June. After school, rain or shine. Problem is, only all the teachers and students have to be in the field. The senior assistant in charge of this can be relaxing at home. The boss resting upstairs. We are not allowed to take turns like we used to. And by 4.30pm, we are physically and mentally tired. But we got to go home and cook, wash, and become wives and mothers.
Now we are told that we can't go for holidays as we plan. Stop planning for holidays until the principal says we can. Why? We have to attend a week of Program Peningkatan Prestasi Murid in the first week of the May-June holidays. That means all the Form 3 and Form 5 students have to turn up as well. No excuse. No even kenduri-kendara or palnned family holidays. Provide a show-cause letter if don't attend as ordered.

Now due to the lack of time for meetings [Monday and Tuesdays sport prctise till 4.30pm, Thursdays extra classes till 5.00pm], the boss wants to conduct meetings on Fridays after zohor prayers. And most teachers say @#$% under their breath. It's bad enough that we don't even get a glass of water during the meeting. Now we have to forfeit our Friday marketing for another round of marathon meeting [usually the boss talks, we listen]. Again, no excuse for not turning up later.

Because a school somewhere has started the 7am programme for their hostel students, we are asked to be in schools to monitor our students by 7am daily. And we are laughing because the students won't be in school until 720am, the earliest. So it's be this teacher looking after an empty room. Will the boss be around at 7am? She will, because she has no small children whose nurseries open only after 7am.

So tell me, tell me... when is our time with our family?
When can we rest?
When can we take the time to prepare teaching aids and other resource materials?
Instead of rushing here and there in school, keying-in marks after marks, filling up forms, warming the chairs during meetings and babysitting hungry students who do no want to study after 1pm [they have to wait till 2.30 to go home]?

It's bad enough that almost every Saturday is a school activity day.
Everything is decided and we have to obey orders. Kami yang menurut perintah. We have mentally become like robots, not merely civil servants.
Why don't you all protest? asked hubby.
Because everyone wants to look good. Stand up to protest and you'll be labelled the bad guy. Your prestasi will be bad, even static the next year for being bold to voice your displeasure.
Remember that the boss gives you marks.
I'm not a coward but my time is precious. I don't have time to wait for hours in front of one particular door. I'd rather voice it here and get it off my chest.
Who knows, by the time this is read, hubby might change his mind and offers to support me monthly with a RM4000 salary. Then I can quit my job, and look 10 years younger.... hahahaa, I can't wait for that day to come.


  1. ok...reading from this entry..i can see how teacher are so tired and just imagine, how to produce a good student if the teachers are in stressfull state.....

    i think the goverment should take this opps to lighten the rules for home will help to reduce the teachers burden and for is always the best teacher...

    ia lah...when we sent a child to school...we are hoping that the kids being teach with passion and stress free teacher...baru those kids flourish and llearning well...patut lah teacher in my home area maki2 the pupils...stress sgt kerja....

    im applying for home school...tapi goverment ni buat payah sgt...still, im insist of doing it...i really belive that my child will gain more from me...the mother then from poor overloaded stressfull teacher....sedih sekarang byk sgt kerja...mengajar pun x boleh nk focus..

    u should think about bringing this issue to dah nk dekat...somehow the goverment terlebih perihatin masa ni...:-)

  2. i feel very sorry for you and all the teachers today. my mom was a teacher, and she has a lot of time, because back in the days, teacher was the most flexible job that a person can have.
    but now, it's the most stressful job , and somehow, i can say this because i know. the government do not pay you good enough for the hard works.

    :( sooo sorry.....

  3. we r in the same strong teacher

  4. Salam,

    Same goes to lecturer. No time on our won. We must give time to fullfill their stupid KPI's....I am thankfull with the job, but Allah swt also said to divide our time proportionally.

    Moga pemerintah ada hati dan perasaan, naik gaji pun kadang2 tak dapat nak bayar harga yg kita terpaksa korbankan dgn our own children and spouse and family.


  5. Samalah kita. I jarang balik sbelum pukul 4 ptg! Balik rumahpun, waktu malampun sambung balik kerja yang tak siap2 tu. Now, I'm not looking forward to go back to school after every holidays as i used to 10 years ago. 'Whining' tu adalah hehe.

  6. Lenggang Kangkung,
    when teachers are stressed and tired due to unteaching duties, how can we expect them to teach to the best of their abilities, right? pity the students.

    mama ct, ya la.. siapalah kita.. menteri kabinet pun tak hantar anak bersekolah di sekolah kerajaan, manalah mereka tahu beban kerja guru? home schooling memang bagus tetapi masih belum begitu popular di negara ni.

    ati, PM kononnya umukan akan bayar gaji baru kepada semua guru pada bulan april ni tetapi masih tiada surat meluluskan pergerakan gaji SBPA sehingga hari ini. Guru tiada gaji lebih masa. Hasilnya? Guru-guru masih menerima skim gaji lama, kerani pun tak buat apa-apa sebab katanya, tiada surat hitam putih!

    Maya Diana,
    we are strong and brave for continuing being teachers till today... huhuuhuuuu

    Pesanan IBu,
    Nothing is as important as my children and family, and I believe our rezeki is Allah-given, not for them to do as they please, so lantaklah... Never expect me to sacrifice my time with my children and family for some stupid KPI or whatever that can be changed overnight when someone else heads the department. Jobs and bosses are changeable but not our family members... yes, I am a rebel with a cause, hahahaa

    Sekarang saya hanya lakukan apa yang saya nak buat saja, yang penting dan urgent saja, lain boleh tunggu untuk disambung hari esok. Kita ni manusia, bukan robot. Perlu jaga kesihatan fizikal, mental dan emosi jika nak hidup lama dan berkualiti.
    Prinsip saya mudah saja - jika esok kita sakit, siapa yang nak jaga kita di rumah? Kerja kita, bos kita,cikgu2 atau pelajar kita? Tentu bukan, mestilah keluarga kita. Oleh itu, bila perlu rehat, berehatlah, bila sakit, ambil cuti sakit saja..bila bercuti, cuti betul-betul jangan peningkan kepala dengan urusan kerja sekolah yang tetap akan bertimbun kembali keesokan hari. Rezeki kita Allah yang tentukan, asalkan kita buat yang terbaik dalam kerja kita ikut kemampuan diri.. memang la kerja itu ibadah tetapi jangan sampai kita pula yang sakit sebab terlalu kuat bekerja sehingga lupa pada ibadah lain :)

  7. Assalamualaikum wr. wbt.

    Aliya dan rakan2, walaupun mengajar di dalam bidang pendidikan tertiari (swasta), saya baru dapat tahu bahawa dalam sistem pendidikan sekarang, jika gagal/dapat markah yang teruk dalam PMR pun masih dibenarkan naik ke tingkatan yang lebih tinggi. Begitu juga dengan kelulusan SPM. Saya sangat terkejut (memang sejak beberapa tahun ini saya tidak lagi ambil tahu tentang sistem persekolahan di Malaysia sebab tidak percaya setelah melihat keputusan UPSR/PMR/SPM yang meningkat setiap tahun). Benarkah semua pelajar sekarang mendapat keputusan yang jauh lebih baik daripada tahun-tahun sebelumnya?

    Tak ramai yang sedar beban kami yang (kononnya) dipanggil pensyarah ini. Para pelajar yang cukup-cukup kredit dibenarkan masuk ke IPT (terutama IPTS) dengan retorik bahawa semua orang berpeluang melanjutkan pelajaran.

    Selama 16 tahun mengajar, tahun-tahun terakhir ini buat saya menangis mengenangkan daifnya pemikiran dan perasaan pelajar2 yang "dipaksa" menyambung belajar sedangkan kemampuan akal fikirnya sangat azab untuk menghadam ilmu.

    15-20 tahun dahulu, jika siapa yang gagal UPSR (peperiksaan penilaian darjah 5), SRP dan SPM harus mengulang semula tahun pembelajaran selama satu tahun atau tahun2 seterusnya sehinggalah dia lulus dengan baik. Saya masih ingat ada seorang profesor tersohor yang memberitahu bahawa beliau mengambil peperiksaan SRP dan SPM berulang kali sebelum beroleh kejayaan dalam hidup.

    Dan sekarang, dalam sistem pendidikan kini, anak-anak kita yang gagal, diberi "pass" untuk naik ke tingkatan yang seterusnya. Saya selalu cabar orang yang sombong dengan ilmu (dan bangga dengan segala gelar akademik), kalau benar2 rasa diri handal, cubalah mengajar pelajar2 yang dianugerahkan kepada saya. Dan lihatlah bagaimana sistem pendidikan sekarang melahirkan golongan yang cita-citanya mahu jadi senang, tapi tidak tahu macam mana mahu mencapai kesenangan itu.

    Kadang-kadang kerana rasa jengkel dengan sikap mereka, saya akan jawab, "jadi kakak/abang cleaner pun boleh hidup senang!" tapi mereka akan segera menjawab "tak naklah jadi cleaner".


    Terus terang saya katakan, 50% sikap ini datangnya daripada sistem pendidikan yang salah. Dan kepada seorang rakan, saya katakan bahawa sebahagian besar pelajar sekarang memang kosong. Sikapnya, pemikirannya, agamanya, budinya, sahsiah peribadinya, memang sebahagian besar kosong.

    Kadang-kadang saya fikir, agaknya saya yang salah mengajar. Tapi kalau semakin tahun semakin teruk produk hasil sekolah yang saya terima (apabila mereka mahu mengambil diploma atau ijazah), saya tdak salahkan guru-guru di sekolah, tapi sistem pendidikan yang dilangsungkan yang salah seluruhnya.

    Saya faham keadaan guru2 sekalian, tapi rasa sangat lucu apabila ada pernyataan yang mengatakan sistem pendidikan kita jauh lebih baik daripada sistem pendidikan negara dunia pertama. paling lucu, adakah sistem pendidikan kita yang paling baik di asia tenggara?

    soal, kalau benar paling baik, kenapa pelajar kita masih kosong segala2nya.

    (Tulisan ini sebenarnya menyokong luahan hati Puan Aliya dan bukan menyalahkan para guru sekalian. Saya cuma rasa sangat kecewa dengan sistem pendidikan dan segala KPI itu).

  8. So you feel like calling it a day. Go on keep venting your frustration here, your very own blog for your dear readers to know and sympathise. I have done that often. But do not let your innocent family feel the heat. We cannot run away from this sort of feeling, no matter how good our job is. I completed 30 years in my earlier career. HE knows the ups and downs. Trust HIM, whiling making your feeling known at the same time.

    NOTALALALAND above talked of disappointment and despair after 16 years as a lecturer. We know how he/she feels when all around seems to be so daft. I have now served 18 years trying to help the poor kids and see how those around me committing all kinds of sins, the way Notalalaland sees it; and I have been doing it not for money. Nothing can be more exasperating when you are offering help and not getting any cooperation from those who ought to do so for the money they earn.

    I think imparting knowledge is truly tough. That is if we want to do it well. For that reason the reward from HIM is commensurate with the amount of sweat we spill.

    Salaam from Pakcik

  9. notalalaland,
    Jangan percaya sangat pada keputusan SPM sebab bar boleh diturunkan atau dinaikkan setiap tahun, bergantung pada prestasi calon. Saya bertambah risau dengan pemansuhan PMR yang bermula tahun 2014, dengan bermulanya PBS [penilaian berasaskan sekolah] yang mewajibkan semua pelajar boleh menguasai semua kemahiran pada akhir tahun akademik itu. Jika tak key-in lulus,sistem komputer tak terima, oleh itu mahu tak mahu cikgu terpaksa luluskan pelajar berkenaan dan anggap dia masalah cikgu yang mengajarnya tahun depan, huhuhuuu..
    Sekarang juga dengan program ponteng sifar sekolah, semua pelajar dipantau agar mereka tak ponteng kelas dan ponteng sekolah. Tidur dalam kelas atau buat bising dianggap lebih baik daripada ponteng kelas, dan mereka tak boleh dimarahi atau dihalau keluar kelas sebab masalah disiplin. Tak seperti dulu, cikgu zaman 70an boleh halau suruh berdiri di luar kelas jika tak ikut arahannya, kini '"jika pelajar itu cabut lari/panjat pagar balik rumah, cikgu yang kena jawab!" kata pengetua sekolah'.

  10. Salam Pakcik,
    I fret, I make a lot of noises but I'll only quit when I get the promised '$$$$" from mr.hubby, hehehee..
    [he's shaking his head, by the way]. Which is why only I do my best in my work nowadays, because anymore than necessary might jeopardize my own health and my family's happiness.
    It's frustrating when after 4 months of school, some lazy and care-less students don't even have a single notebook to write on.Yes,I agree that some people are more concerned about their salary than seriously imparting knowledge.I've seen and gone through a lot in my 19 years as a school teacher, and thankfully, am much wiser as a result :)

  11. Salam,

    Pakcik dan Aliya.

    Terima kasih atas pandangan untuk komentar saya. Rasa lega hati kerana ada orang yang berkongsi keadaan yang sama. Moga-moga Allah SWT akan memudahkan jalan ilmu untuk kita. Moga-moga Allah SWT akan melindungi manusia yang mencintai ilmu dan melindungi kita juga.


  12. I shudder at the thought of PBS. What has become of our ministry of education? I think we all can see the failure simply because our very society does not have what it needs to make the system works as it should.

    The other point you mntioned against Notalalaland on the moveable'bar' is what I have been hearing for years and I fully believe so. What a shame this is what is happening. I wonder whether this practice is also exercised at university levels. It is a pity Notalalaland does not run a blog that I can engage her on this issue.

  13. notalalaland,

    As a graduate of USM, I can attest that all students who hand in their assignments will pass their exams. However getting an A for any paper is tough, unless one performs exceptionally well throughout the whole semester.

  14. Pakcik yang baik, dan Aliya juga,

    Minggu lepas, saya mendengar khabar tentang PBS juga dari rakan2 yang mempunyai anak2 yang bersekolah. Hal ini sangat menakutkan dan akan pastilah berlaku kecenderungan pilih kasih. Waktu kecil, tahun2 80an, setiap pelajar mempunyai kad biru 001 (saya masih ingat kad biru tersebut). Ada penilaian yang dibuat oleh guru kelas terhadap anak murid dan dicatat dalam kad tersebut. Saya masih ingat, salah satu bahagian (daya pujuk/komunikasi), cikgu telah memberi saya markah C. Saya rasa mahu bersoal jawab dengan cikgu kenapa cikgu menaruh markah sedemikian dalam kad biru 001 saya. Tapi, kerana rasa hormat (dan takut juga), saya diamkan sahaja. Umur saya ketika itu 10 atau 11 tahun. Tapi saya ingat perkara itu sampai sekarang, perasaan ingin tahu kenapa/bagaimana cikgu memberi saya nilai C tersebut sedangkan selama di sekolah rendah, saya adalah murid paling cemerlang (ini benar! dalam kad laporan, cikgu menulis saya murid "tercemerlang" - ter yang bermaksud paling, bukan maksudnya dengan tidak sengaja. hahaha).

    Maka, dengan rakan saya tadi, saya tanyakan juga, bagaimana kalau anak guru tersebut berada di dalam kelas yang dijaga/ajarnya sendiri? Bagaimanakah guru tersebut akan menilai anaknya sendiri, berbanding anak orang lain?

    Kalau ikut cara dulu, emak tidak pernah lihat saya (dan adik beradik lain) sebagai bagus. Kepada emak, anak orang lain lebih baik daripada anaknya sendiri. Setelah dewasa, saya faham konsep pemikiran emak tersebut dan saya tidak kecil hati. Tapi, zaman sekarang, kebanyakan emak merasakan anaknya yang paling baik. Minta maaf, ini pengalaman peribadi berhadapan dengan ibu bapa yang mati2 mengatakan anaknya baik sedangkan dalam subjek2 saya, perangai anaknya itu, astaghfirullahalazim!

    Pakcik boleh menulis ke emel saya kalau mahu sembang2 lebih panjang tentang isu pendidikan peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Ya! ada banyak sungguh cerita rangka di dalam almari dan debu yang menggunung di bawah permaidani bila menyentuh soal pendidikan peringkat tertiari di negara kita yang tercinta ini.

    Aliya, terima kasih banyak kerana membuka pintu untuk saya berkongsi idea di sini. Semoga Allah SWT akan memudahkan segalanya untuk Aliya dan keluarga.

    Pakcik, saya sudah membaca blog Al-Manar pakcik itu. Saya berniat, kalau ada rezeki saya mahu melawat rumah yang bijak berkata2 (nuri) tersebut. Saya sempat cerita dengan anak murid saya tengahari tadi, jika saya sudah tidak bahagia menjadi pengajar di ipt, saya sanggup jadi tukang masak di al-manar nuri! Biar miskin, yang penting rasa syukur, redha dan tenang jiwa.

    Salam hormat untuk pembaca yang lain juga.

  15. Assalamualaikum,

    I really pity teachers, my stepdaughter is also a teacher (KPLI), with 3 kids coming into 4...tired all the time. She initially thought being a teacher is better then accountant because more just get more difficult for some now a days....Allah...make it easy.....
