I thought the furore had died down but oh no, they continue to make headlines. Don't they know how ignorant they actually are, by doing what they are doing now? Haven't they learnt anything from what had happened to our neighbour, which despite being known as the country with the most Muslims, contain many Islamic liberalists who do not follow all His teachings as in the al-Quran and hadith, as well as Muslim murtads who proudly comdemn Islam through anti-Islam websites? And we have witnessed one of His warnings recently but do we learn?
How can they call themselves Muslimahs when they would only accept part of His teachings that suit their agenda and reject some other parts? By saying that it's an injustice for a Muslimah who has admitted her sins and is ready to be punished by the Syariah court, isn't it dishonouring her wishes? While they pursue their own agenda, have they any thought about what she really want? She doesn't want to be punished in akhirat for trying to escape punishment in life.
What I know about Islam makes me realise that either we accept Islam as a whole or none at all. There can't be parts of the al-Quran that we refuse to accept for to believe in the al-Quran is one of the Tenets of Iman. So either we accept that drinking liquor is sinful and is punishable by caning or we would have become kafur.
Indeed, using logic to argue their case shows how ignorant the are about Islamic laws and the different courts in each state. Don't the know that each state has its own Syariah courts and rulings? Oh, they are manipulative - they chose to highlight cases that show as if the Syariah courts punish the men lightly while giving out harsh sentences on women. Men are portrayed as being able to escape with light sentences or none at all while the weaker sex, the women face harsh sentences. What an injustice! Taliban ruling! Police state! Pah, humbug!
If they really work for Islam, then they should be fair to both sexes. They should be careful what they call themselves. It's an injustice to other Muslimahs when they use the name of Islam but are actually ignorant of how Islam instructs its ummah to live in this world. Tell me, which part of the al-Quran says that Muslimahs don't have to cover their aurat in public [including their hair], and which part of the al-Quran that says polygamy should be abolished in modern times? And that it's no longer acceptable to punish women offenders in the Syariah courts because the others deem it as injustice to women? Why the double standards now; they fight for equality between genders but when it comes to punishment, they cry foul because women are the weaker sex? Don't they know that to Allah swt, there is no difference between the good deeds and sins of a man and those of a woman? Both are held accountable and will be judged accordingly.
There is no such thing as a weaker sex in Islam. Women are honoured in Islam. Islamic rulings are fair and just, and while we admit that there is still room for improvement in the Syariah courts here, let's all respect the Syariah Islamic law and our sister's own wish to face her punishment here on earth, and may Allah have mercy upon her.
This is not just a test for her, a punishment for her but also a reminder for the rest of us who call ourselves Muslimin and Muslimah. When we are faced with this issue, what would our stand be - to use our own logic and condemn the Syariah court for this little injustice, or to defend it and do our best to educate and prevent other Muslims from consuming it.
Alhamdulilah, well said.
ReplyDeletei'm with u all the way... thumbs up
Earthquake is a sign of Last Day. It is a slow destruction on parts of the Earth. Luckily Malaysia does not have earthquake, tactonics plate underneath etc. but Malaysia still is not free from the impact of earthquake from nearby area. Others include tsunamis, landslides, various kinds of storm, famines etc. When will it be a complete destruction? Allah knows best. So, always seek repentance everybody.,,,,
ReplyDeleteCha~ Assalamualaikum WrWb.
Assalamualaikum WrWb sekali lg..
ReplyDeleteNtah la, tapi ini jawapan dari ulama' Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi mengenai hukum Hudud. Refer
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penyayang lg Maha Mengampuni orang2 yg bertaubat.
Komen saya, ada syarat sebelum hukum Hudud dijalankan. Iaitu spt yg difirmankan Allah, syaratnya adalah dengan taubat.
ReplyDelete1) diberi peluang untuk memperbaiki diri
2) tanda-tanda insaf (spt bertaqwa menurut semua perintah Allah) pada pesalah muslim atau muslimah itu
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHukum Syariah adalah untuk kemudahan dan kesejahteraan umat. Ada musyawarah (mesyuarat), keperihatinan, kebajikan diberi, keadilan dlm urusan rumahtangga, kaunseling, peluang utk bertaubat, hukuman dsbgnya.
ReplyDeleteKalau dlm Bible Jesus ckp “Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come! 8If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. 9And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell. Matthew 18:7-9
Dalam Islam, ada syaratnya sebelum hukuman major iaitu hudud dilaksanakan ke atas pesalah.
Dalam Surah Al-Maidah :38-39, Allah SWT berfirman, mafhumnya:
ReplyDelete"Pencuri lelaki dan pencuri perempuan, potonglah tangan keduanya (sebagai) pembalasan bagi apa yang mereka kerjakan dan sebagai siksaan dari Allah. Dan Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana. MAKA BARANG SIAPA BERTAUBAT SESUDAH MELAKUKAN PENGANIAYAANNYA ITU DAN MEMPERBAIKI DIRINYA, MAKA SESUNGGUHNYA ALLAH MENERIMA TAUBATNYA. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang."
And Qur'an meaning in English for Surah/Chapter 5:38-39 is:
"As for the thief, both male and female, cut off their hands. It is the reward of their own deeds, an exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is Mighty, Wise. (38) But whoso repenteth after his wrongdoing and amendeth, Lo! Allah will relent toward him. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (39) "
salam kak aliya,
ReplyDeleteis this what i think it is? let's not mention it then.
anyway. i'm with you on this, as i always am. i mean come on, negotiating with Allah's law? you've gotta be kidding me. but hey there are still people like that, who actually thought ALL rules can be bent. man. what's the wrld coming to, really?
Dan polygamy issue tidaklah disarankan dalam al-Quran tetapi dibolehkan dengan syarat-syarat yg boleh diterima (menurut peredaran zaman, penerimaan dsbgnya). Kenapa?
ReplyDelete1) Dulu hamba-hamba abdi, tawanan perang dibenarkan dikahwini tp skrg?
2) Kalau skrg org mahu polygamy dan kemudian INSTANTLY kejadian cerai terjadi. Tak pun sebulan dua lepas ada isteri baru. Bukankah PARAH si isteri, anak-anak malah merebak keseluruh masyarakat dan dunia. Lelaki yg tidak matang akal emosi dan rohani, tidak mengasihani, tidak menimbang perasaan isteri dan anak-anak memang tak layak.
3) Dalam polygamy Rasulullah pun banyak kejadian yg tidak diingini (tidak sejahtera) berlaku spt dengki antara isteri, perpecahan isteri2 baginda, mereka buat trick dan perbalahan mulut antara isteri Nabi (saw). Justice pun susah nak ditegakkan.
(saya menerima email tp saya berdoa agar org itu boleh berfikir dgn cahaya Allah (petunjukNya)inshaAllah. Memang benar semua kejadian yang tidak diingini antara isteri Nabi(saw) ini ada tertulis dlm Hadith Sahih Muslim dan Sahih Bukhari)
4) Wpun Nabi Allah sendiri cuba sedaya upaya untuk berlaku adil tetapi sesungguhnya seorang suami tidak akan mustahil berbuat demikian. DAN Allah Maha Mengetahui kebaikan dan keburukan polygamy. Seperti yg difirmankan oleh Allah SWT dalam surah an-Nisa (4:129): "Dan kamu tidak akan dapat berlaku adil di antara isteri-isteri kamu sekalipun kamu bersungguh-sungguh (hendak melakukannya); oleh itu janganlah kamu cenderung dengan melampau-lampau (berat sebelah kepada isteri yang kamu sayangi) sehingga kamu biarkan isteri yang lain seperti benda yang tergantung (di awang-awangan); dan jika kamu memperbaiki (keadaan yang pincang itu) dan memelihara diri (daripada perbuatan yang zalim), maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani."
5) Yg zalim adalah mengorbankan keharmonian pikiran anak2. Bukan semua org boleh memahami perasaan anak-anak dari ibu bapa mereka yg bercerai. TANYA SAYA. SAYA ANAK CERAI.
6) Salahkah kita sarankan supya elakkan diri dari berpolygamy supaya anak-anak dan isteri (wanita) tidak dizalimi?
Allah tidak redha dengan kejadian cerai tetapi Allah Maha Mengetahui isi hati, keinginan org yg di ambang ini. Salahkan kalau masyarakat tidak suka polygamy kerana tidak suka perceraian berlaku? KERANA DEMI ALLAH. Allah ingin kita hidup bahagia. Allah SWT "benci" perceraian dari berlaku.
Sekarang ni, kalau ada polygamy, ada cerai. MEREBAK kejadian seumpama ini kembar sekali dgn cerai. Kalau beranak polygamy saja tak apa la. Ni beranak kembar, polygamy DAN cerai.
PS Saya tak kata boleh abolish this Law. This is God Almighty's Law, belongs to Allah Most Wise. Tapi dibolehkan selepas semua perkara dinilai dan dipersetujui. Kalau tidak dipersetujui, beranilah tanggung risiko - (risiko tidak berlaku adil, (dan sekarang era perceraian)). "Kemudian jika kamu bimbang tidak akan berlaku adil (di antara isteri-isteri kamu) maka (berkahwinlah dengan) seorang sahaja" (Quran 4:3)
Ister-isteri Nabi tidak boleh membantah sebab Allah telah berfirman supaya Nabi berkahwin dgn sekian-sekian. Mereka taat dan mereka isteri-isteri Nabi yg dijamin masuk syurga. Tapi kita?
Just use spiritual intelligence (the core part in the brain) as the base (e.g. for Allah Most Compassionate, be a servant who bows to Allah Most Compassionate).
"Be someone who is spiritually intelligent before you become a religious person."
Muslims: Spread Peace. Love others as your own blood. Don't blame others as no servants of Allah is perfect. Can comment but don't blame. It is as if blaming own-self for not doing most right.
Assalamualaikum ngasobahseliman & kl citizen,
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih thanks
Waalaikumussalam Miss01,
ReplyDeleteDid I say anything about hukum hudud here? You did, not me. As we all know, none of the Syariah courts in M'sia practise hukum hudud.
The law about punishments for Muslims who drink liquor is not a hudud law.
ReplyDeleteSatu masalah besar wanita termasuk Muslimah adalah kurangnya upaya untuk berkongsi. Poligami bukan buruk, kerana sesuatu yang buruk untuk umat manusia sudah tentu diharam Allah swt.
Kita lihat bagaimana isteri-isteri Rasulallah dididik menjadi Muslimah yang sabar dan bertolak ansur melalui perkahwinan mereka. Walaupun dalam hadith ada cerita bagaimana mereka cemburu tetapi perasaan itu berjaya dikawal daripada merosakkan akidah masing-masing, kerana yang paling diingini adalah keredhaan Allah. Seperti yang saya pernah katakan, bukan semua Muslimah akan diuji dengan amalan poligami dan bukan semua Muslimah akan berupaya mengharungi kehidupan berkongsi suami yang penuh hikmah.
Tetapi janganlah kita menolak poligami dengan keras kerana memang ada keluarga bahagia berpoligami.Cuma media lebih suka menonjolkan sesuatu yang buruk kerana itu yang masyarakat suka baca.
Kebiasaannya daripada pengalaman saya, yang bercerai adalah kerana salah seorang isteri tidak mahu berkongsi kasih dan tidak mahu bertolak ansur, di samping sikap suami yang berat sebelah. Mudah bagi isteri untuk masuk syurga berbanding suami, maka mengapakita perlu risau? usahalah menjadi isteri yang solehah, anak yang soleh dan ibu yang cemerlang.
Perceraian sekarang juga banyak berlaku di kalangan mereka yang beristeri satu- adakah kita hendak mansuhkan monogami juga?
ReplyDeleteI'd appreciate if you would limit your comments in not more than 3 for a post. Nobody likes to read the same person giving 4-5 comments in a row. Thank you
Yes. May not be a hudud law, but it is still Islamic Law - which is ~broad~. For me, I absolutely agree about the law, just like hudud law, if chances and lessons are given to them but they are still doing it then there is absolutely an end - the law which is most effective from most wise Allah SWT.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry if what I said is not good for anyone else's. And if there is wrong. Thus Allah SWT knows best from His(SWT) sight. Whatever good comes from Allah SWT, and what is wrong and bad comes from me.
Waalaikumussalam Nani,
ReplyDeleteWhen we deal with Islamic laws as stated in the al-Quran, we have to be careful because those are His laws. Not man-made laws as are found in the magistrate courts which can be abolished and reviewed.
true. definitely what i was saying. =)