Thursday, December 4


Tears of a woman can mean many things.
Men are often baffled by the tears.
I suppose a woman's tears make a man feel helpless.
They cannot control the situation or handle the woman.
Logic doesn't make sense when a woman cries.
Real men don't cry, or do they?

He: There you go again, crying. Why can't you talk normally instead of crying?
She: I can't help it! They just flow.. and I'm talking to you still.
He: But surely you can turn off the tap..and be rasionale. Why are you crying?
She: If I can I will but I can't. This is the only way I release stress.. and I'm in great stress!
He: God! How long are you going to be like this? You're behaving like a child.
She: Stop nagging! If you can't comfort me with your words, at least don't nag me. And I'm not behaving like a child, I'm in great pain. My head hurts, my heart hurts, I'm hurting and the last thing I want to hear is you nagging...and telling me I behave like a child. If I can stop the tears from flowing, do you think I won't? Do you think I like to have puffy eyes and a red nose as the result of crying buckets of tears? Oh please! (sob sob)
He: All right.. all right. But can you tell me what's the problem without you crying away?
She: Give me the tissue.. (sniff sniff)
He: So can we talk now?
She: I've been talking to you for the past ten minutes.. didn't you listen?

She 1: What's wrong?
She 2: I don't know.. (sob sob)
She 1: Here.. have a tissue.
She 2: Thanks (sob sob)
She 1: What happened? Did anyone hurt you? Are you in pain?
She 2: Oh, life is so unfair! (sob sob)
She 1: Now, now.. I'm here. I'm all ears. Tell me.. what happened?
She 2: But it's a long story..(wail) I don't what to do!
She 1: Relax.. what happened to you today? Surely something must had happened to make you cry like this.
She 2: Well, you sure you want to hear this? (hesitant)
She 1: It's your choice. If you feel better after telling me, then why not? I promise I'll keep this secret.
She 2: Well, you see.. ( sniff sniff)


  1. Assalammualaikum
    Sis Aliya,
    Hehe..very interesting. Lelaki apabila berdepan dengan keadaan ini akan cuba mencari penyelesaian kepada masalah yang dihadapi wanita tersebut. Wanita sebenarnya hanya mahu si lelaki memahami (dan acknowledge) bahawa dia (si wanita) mempunyai masalah. Dia mahu didengari. Selalunya penyelesaian yang dicadangkan oleh si lelaki tidak boleh diterima oleh si wanita. Maka terjadilah komunikasi ayam dan itik sebegitu.
    How do I know? From experience...huhuhu

  2. Salam,
    MS dapat sesuatu yang baik dari experience. Bagi yang nak belajar dari experience orang lain pulak, boleh lah baca buku "men are from mars, women from venus" kalau tak silap , yang di tulis oleh Gray. bestseller Alakulli hal, saya rasa "she" di sini is doing a wonderful job communicating. ;))

  3. Waalaikumussalam MS & nadiah,
    Biasa la, Aliya tulis pun berdasarkan xperience berkomunikasi dengan kaum Adam juga, huhuhu. Lelaki adalah 'problem solver', wanita pula banyak bertindak mengikut emosi.Namun begitu, insyaAllah kita mampu berubah. Yang penting, carilah bentuk dan masa yang sesuai untuk menyampaikan mesej yang hendak disampaikan tanpa menyebabkan tsunami.
    Buku 'Men are from mars, women are from venus ' itu memang menarik. Belum dibaca sebab selalu sellout, hahaha. Ada sesiapa boleh pinjamkan?

  4. I cry a lot too.

    When words fail me, I substitute it with tears.

    In anger, in shame, in frustration, in sadness, tears are more eloquent than a thousand words kot?

  5. VersedAnggerik, I used to be like that too, huhuhu.But I found out that just crying often does not help in communicating my thoughts and feelings to others. So now I'm learning to voice out my feelings with carefully chosen spoken or written words.It needs training but helps to keep the door of communication open.
