Sunday, August 17


Finally it's over.
Graduation day arrived and left. I am still recovering from all the excitement of the special day, and had been busy since 5.30am yesterday. Syukur alhamdulillah everything went smoothly although there were minor hiccups along the way.
Allah swt granted my prayers.

My health was better now so I could move about without tiring out easily.Hence, I could do more now. "More like your old self again," commented hubby with gladness.

Mom was unable to attend as she was worried about the long distance she had to walk from the car park into the hall. Her legs were still unsteady. Also she was worried she might not be able to withstand the 4-hour long ceremny without being able to go to the toilet.I promised to make it up to her.

As a result, only hubby attended the convocation. I'm thankful to have him beside me. Penang was crowded with holiday makers and fresh graduates. Had it not for him, I might not be able to make it to the hall on time or in one piece. I was all jitters and tried to keep calm by reciting the zikir as we rushed to the university in the early morning. Kind friends from the Special Education course, a Malay lady and an Indian lady helped me to put on my robe. Interestingly they were the first two people I met during my orientation week - and the Indian lady was my roommate. Thanks, Rahmah and Thally.

It took only about 20 seconds to walk on the stage but it was a long wait as mine was among the last groups to receive our scroll. Like everyone else, I was worried about making mistakes on the stage and witnessed not only by the audience, but the whole world (online video streaming made it easier for those unable to attend to watch the event at home). With 'bismillah' I went onstage and I had never felt so calm and composed before.

As I walked down the stage, I overheard a officer stating to her colleague,"That's Nur Aliya.."
Huh? What's that supposed to mean?
I wanted to turn my head but I dared not. It was a long back to the seat, and I was afraid of falling, slipping down the stairs, dropping my scroll or doing something embarassing.

Well, nothing bad happened. I survived. Phew!

Three years of hard work resulted in a final cgpa I can be proud of. Although it's not I had wished for ( I do have high aims) it is close enough. As I told hubby, it' not just any three years of my life. The opportunity to pursue my studies had allowed me to achieve more than a dream. Other than being able to be a graduate, I had survived a divorce, reverted to Islam, changed my lifestyle, lived as a divorcee, remarried, and bought a new car for my own convenience. All within three years of full-time studies drawing half-month salary.

From the beginning of the programme until my graduation day, Allah swt has arranged everything for me.

I'm very thankful and blessed to be able to finally complete my programme and graduate. I had entered the university programme as a normal non-Muslim Chinese lady and after 3 years, I've completed it as a new person - a stronger tudung-clad, Muslim Chinese lady.

Will I be able to experience another convocation in a few years' time? Sing the university song ? Only He knows. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy myself with the graduation robe before I return it, and the sweet smell of the roses before they wilt.

One dream come true, more to arrive soon, insyaAllah.


  1. Congratulations on your wonderful achievement!

  2. Taniah, Puan Aliya!

    Kirimkan salam kepada suami puan juga.

  3. Thanks Nisah :)

    Terima kasih, Pn Ainon.
    Aiyaya.. baru teringat sesuatu :P

  4. Assalamualaikum.

    Tahniah, Puan Aliya!

  5. Assalamualaikum

    Tahniah Aliya. Semoga akan terus berjaya, InsyaAllah.
